Linux Resources
Recommended Linux Books

We recommend these Linux books, based on
the reviews or personal experience. The rating is from 1 to
5 stars.
Compute Sunrise, Sunset & Twilight For Cities & Airports
Worldwide With Local TZ is
a non-profit web site with lots of information on Linux. In
July of 2001, interviewed Bob Toxen, author
of Real World Linux Security. They also have featured
the first edition of our book. provides
list of what TCP, UDP, and ICMP ports are used for, both proper
usage and evil usage; rest of site is in German on security.

Web sites operated by several leading Internet security organizations
are vulnerable to an old but serious security flaw known as
the cross-site
scripting (CSS) attack.

Today is one of the best sources for up to date
information on general Linux topics. It links to Linux
news coverage from other web sources, as well as having
some extensive coverage about Linux on it's own. It is
one of the best places to receive security related updates
for all distributions of Linux.

Slashdot is
one of the grand-daddies of Linux sites on the net. It has
news about Linux, programming languages, and other stuff that
geeks might think is cool. Stories about Lego Mindstorms, Space
Stations and satellites, and other interesting stuff might
pop up. Slashdot has a very active user community that makes
it a good place to ask questions. Slashdot also hosts a BSD

Linux Weekly
News (/ is a great place to get a digest
of activity in the Linux community. It is well organized
and edited. There are always stories and news about each
popular Linux distribution, as well as status reports about
what development is happening on the Linux kernel, as well
as all security reports that occurred during the week.

Laptop Guide ( gives lots of information
on running Linux on a laptop, PDA, or wearable computer. is
the Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts group, a non-profit group based
in Atlanta, Georgia, USA that meets monthly and helps both
Newbies and experienced Linux people with problems, new capabilities,
security, etc. Bob gave a presentation on Linux security at
the May meeting. lists
some of the many applications that people "need" Windows for
that are supported under Linux. If these are what you use Windows
for you may be happier on Linux. defines
many Linux terms in terms of Windows terms. gives
some statistics (August 2001) on the rapid growth of Linux
in the Information Technology (IT) Departments of mainstream
companies. There now is 1 Linux server for every 5 Windows
servers. Many claim that that 1 Linux server will do the work
of 2-5 Windows servers with one half to one fifth the SysAdmin
time and dollar cost and a small fraction of the crashes and
security vulnerabilities and needed security patches. is
the SANS Institute's top 20 vulnerabilities on Linux, Unix,
Windows, and other systems. These are the ways most likely
to be used to break into your systems.
It is important to understand that SANS lists the top Windows
vulnerabilities and the top Linux/Unix vulnerabilities. This
does not mean that they have equal security levels! The only
ranking is that the #1 Windows vulnerability is more critical
than the #2 Windows problem and the #1 Linux/Unix problem is
more critical than the #2 Linux/Unix problem, etc. provides
a complete guide to hosting a keysigning party to allow the
participants to sign each other's PGP or GPG keys. It is suggested
that this be done periodically at meetings to expand one's
web of trust. 